M/V Crystal Ice arrived in Klaksvík on the 22.07.10 for loading Atlantic Herring.
Thursday, 22 July 2010
PRESS RELEASE The establishment of The Faroese Maritime Unions A new association between the Faroese Officers’ and Seamens’ Unions was founded on the 2nd of July 2010. The establishing parties are The Faroese Shipmasters and Navigators Association representing master mariners, The Faroese Engineers’ Union representing marine engineers and The Faroese Fishermens’ Union, Seamens’ Dept. representing […]
Friday, 02 July 2010
50 000 människor, 70 000 får och någon miljon lunnefåglar befolkar de öar i Nordatlanten som tillsammans går under namnet Färöarna. Totalt rör det sig om 18 öar av vilka 17 är bebodda. På Färöarna kretsar det mesta fortfarande kring fiske och fiskodling, men rederiverksamhet har börjat byggas upp inom offshoresektorn. Av de 50 000 invånarna är cirka 2 000 aktiva sjöbefäl och nu […]
Friday, 29 January 2010
The debate: about flagging vessels are fully underway. The Government will appoint another investigation of the Swedish Maritime competitiveness. Svensk Sjöfarts Tidning can in a separate comparison show that even the ship owners can gain several 100.000 Swedish kroners by choosing to register in one of our neighbour countries. The Swedish Transport Board has since the […]
Friday, 29 January 2010