FMS is pleased to inform that the Faroese Centre of Maritime Studies & Engineering now offers a new online E-learning course in Faroese Maritime Legislation. This course is mandatory for all non-Faroese senior officers working on Faroese flagged vessels. The opportunity to achieve this diploma via e-learning is a great improvement for all, especially senior officers, […]
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Last week 04.08.11, on Thursday morning our agency-department received a rush case on obtaining Chinese work visas for some Faroese officers that had a travel plan to Chine on the 11.08.11 . This assigment came from a major seismic company, this company, has for several years had Faroes officers employed. We decided that our agency-department should put all […]
Monday, 08 August 2011
Our team has delivered a new investment project based on Faroes law and Faroes regulations. This project contains a plan to build 5 new cargo vessels under Faroes Flag. This vessels shall enter a nice marked of sailing with dangerous IMO Cargo. The project is based on faroes management of the vessels. Faroe Maritime Services […]
Thursday, 30 June 2011
FMS has to day sold 20 pics of fish Tubs to Aquaculture recherche Station in the Farces
Tuesday, 01 March 2011
Louise Konateh Fredrik Lundgren and Monica Holen Brezicka have been on a two days visit to the Faroe Islands, where we have organize all the meetings with FAS, FMA, lawyers, accountants, Als and tax authorities and the faroe shipoweners associations.
Monday, 28 February 2011
To day we have had a meeting whit Thomas Eklund the Managing Director in the cable company Baltic Offshore. Baltic Offshore is today one of the leading entrepreneurs in the Baltic area with a skilled and competent staff, vessel and equipment with an organisation to undertake almost all submarine cable projects offshore, inshore, in lakes and rivers.
Thursday, 03 February 2011
Faroe Business Report. Ship management and human resources consultancy, opened for business, with partner Mr. Joensen as managing director. With specialist knowledge of the Faroe Islands International Ship Register (FAS), the Faroese company manages merchant vessels under a range of international flags, including the Faroese. FAS advantages include a 18-percent tax on corporate profits, […]
Sunday, 30 January 2011
The meeting was held at the Monaco Business Center on the 10th of January 2011 Following persons were in attendance at the meeting: The managers of the initiative: Pauli Joensen, FMS Ltd. Morten Milthers, Wind & Water, DK Chris Anderson, 4C Offshore, UK Thomas S. Wissmann, WIND4EVER, D Attending were also: Bernhard Cramer, Bernhard Cramer […]
Monday, 10 January 2011
How to construct, connect and operate a profitable offshore wind farm in Europe Imagine being able to hear from every successful offshore wind project manager, asking how to overcome challenges and discussing with your peers in both structured & informal settings how to ensure you beat critical time & budget constraints… At this two day […]
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Pauli Joensen has been in Svenborg for a meeting whit a danish ship owner, that has plan to ref-flag 3 vessels to the Faroe Island International shipregister
Friday, 26 November 2010