Our team has carried out a Condition Survey to day onbord ex-fishing vessel Thomas Nygaard. The vessel has been out of service for some time now and now for sale for Ship Recycling. Faroe Maritime Services carry out an condition survey to the estimation value and to see if it is ok to make transit towing. […]
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
Our team has carried out a Condition Survey to day onbord M/V Axel. The vessel has been set for sale / auction and former owner wanted assistant from Faroe Maritime Services to carry our an condition survey and to get our estimation of price of the vessel value. Owner has asked FMS to expos the […]
Thursday, 14 February 2013
Our team has carried out a Condition Survey to day onbord the fishing vessel Saksaberg.
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
Faroe Maritime Services makes regularly Pre-Purchase Inspection & Condition Survey To day our team visited ombord this 80m DP2 Dive Support Vessel to make Pre-Purchase Inspection & Condition Survey. The vessel is equipped with the latest Kongsberg SDP 21 Duplex Dynamic-positioning system complete with 4 independent reference systems, with a duplication on one of the systems, they are […]
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
One of to days assignment was a Hull Cleaning on a vessel that was in transit from Denmark to Greenland, they decided to come to the Faroes Islands for Hull Cleaning. The vessel had difficulty getting up to the right speed due to a dirty hull, the vessel was 10 hours from the Faroe Island […]
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Faroe Maritime Services provides painters and maintenance for work on deck and in interior spaces on-board vessels. The work include the following specialized services: Knock rust. Wash and clean the surfaces to be painted or coated. Paint or coat surfaces. We can supply experienc painting and coating workers, working 12 hours daily from Monday to […]
Friday, 10 August 2012
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Faroe Business Report. Ship management and human resources consultancy, opened for business, with partner Mr. Joensen as managing director. With specialist knowledge of the Faroe Islands International Ship Register (FAS), the Faroese company manages merchant vessels under a range of international flags, including the Faroese. FAS advantages include a 18-percent tax on corporate profits, […]
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Our team has been ombord M/S Prime Kuummiut to day to make an Inspection and Condition Survey.
Wednesday, 01 September 2010
Our team has carried out a Condition Survey to day. The owner wanted assistant from Faroe Maritime Services to carry our an condition survey and to get our estimation of price to rebuild this vessel to Guard and Service vessel GSV.
Sunday, 25 July 2010