Urgently looking for a Faroes 2 Officer to join a Container Vessels
Joining date beginning of Mars. Faroe Maritime Services is urgently looking for 2 Offices to join a container vessel. Planed contract duration is 6 weeks on and 6 weeks off. NIS contract, taxes are to be paid in the Faroe Islands. Fixed Salary, wages can be discussed. The sailing Schedule allows crew change to be […]
Start-date: March 05, 2025

Søkt verður eftir navigatørum til loðs og ferðafólkabátin Faroe Pilot.
Søkt verður eftir skiparum og stýrimonnum til ferðafólkbátin Faroe Pilot. Faroe Pilot er góðkendur til baði at sigling sum loðsbátur og somuleiðis innan ferðavinnuna. Vit bjóða dagligar fiskitúrar og leiðutúrar við Faroe Pilot. Okkara ættlan er at bjóða dagligirtúrar alt árið, tó sjálvandi alt eftir veðurlíkindum. Enn er ikki verðulig gongd komin á siglingina, men […]
Start-date: January 31, 2025

Technical Superintendent
Daily technical support for nominated vessels
Start-date: February 01, 2014