Maritime Consultant

​Faroe Maritime Services offers maritime consultant services, our employees have the expertise needed to advise and suggest better trades and to address the necessary concerns.

We assist individuals and corporations engaged us their marine business and we help our clients in boost, advance and further their business positively.

Our maritime consultants can, address concerns, by taking matters into our hands and advice the individuals and or the corporations about the dos and don’ts that need to be monitored and taken care of.

Faroe Maritime Services can provide studies and analysis of the concerned issue from a perspective of not only the concerned party but also from the perspective of the environment and any other factors which could cause a debilitating turn to the concerned issue.

Our staff is highly educated and have obtained years of hands-on maritime experience, all from ship-building, ship management, technical and engineering, sales and purchase, chartering, port agency, company optimizing, operational skills on- and offshore etc.

On daily basis our office staff deals with a wide ranging of assignments, both miner and large projects for our clients.

When Faroe Maritime Services takes on an new assignment or project we go wholeheartedly in, in order to solve the client’s issue.

If you need any assistance please contact our office by email or call our office on +298 610000 and then we will arrange a startup meeting.