EMUC og Søfart vil gerne udfordre det maritime erhverv på efterkrisens tider. Dagens Program (Hent præsentationer ved at klikke på foredragsholder) 09.00-09.30: Åbnings tale Henrik Lund Dal, Group CFO & Partner, Clipper Group A/S 09.30-10.00 : Shippingmarkederne det næste års tid – Hvad er verdensmarkedets indikatorer? – Skibspriser & værdiudvikling – Tendenser indenfor container, tank & […]
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Pauli Joensen has been in Svenborg for a meeting whit a danish ship owner, that has plan to ref-flag 3 vessels to the Faroe Island International shipregister
Friday, 26 November 2010
To day our ship brokerage have sold a fishing boat a Víkingur from the Faroe Island to a client in Iceland. Whether you what to buy or to sell you fishing boat, we can guide you throughout the entire S&P process, from inspection and through the contract conclusion. For more information about our sale and […]
Thursday, 25 November 2010
We have to day provided a replacement Navigational officer for a 4 week job on-board the Tugboat Svitzer Ran. If you need personal for a replacement trips please contact Faroe Maritime Services
Monday, 01 November 2010
The state owned ferry company Strandfaraskip landsins have been testing two LED lighting systems onboard M/S Smyril By converting to LED and HID lighting systems, ships could save 87 percent of the electricity used on existing lighting systems, according to a new study on lighting Faroe Maritime Services have assisted strandfaraskip landsins in this matter.
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Pauli Joensen visited a Norwegian vessel which was in the Morska shipyard. The plan is to re flagging the vessel to the Faroe Islands international shipping register the ship-owner has 3 vessels.
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Our team has to day assisted M/S Arctic Eqaluk this vessel enter the port of Torshavn befor they are hedding to Greenland.Faroe Maritime Services was pointed as port-agent for M/S Arctic Eqaluk owned by at Arctic Greenfood A/S. Arctic Eqaluk needed supplies and provisions, fuel oil and fishing gear for their sea voyage to Nuuk in Greenland.
Thursday, 30 September 2010
How to construct, connect and operate a profitable offshore wind farm in Europe Imagine being able to hear from every successful offshore wind project manager, asking how to overcome challenges and discussing with your peers in both structured & informal settings how to ensure you beat critical time & budget constraints… At this two day […]
Thursday, 30 September 2010
During this summer, several adjustments were made within the maritime sector in the Faroe Islands, all with the same immediate purpose of adjusting the authorities to meet the greater challenges and to strengthen the FAS position in the future. Read more. 1313508119_newsletterno124sept2010
Friday, 24 September 2010
One of our team members Pauli Joensen visited the International shipbuilding, machinery & marine technology in Hamburg, Germany to day
Monday, 06 September 2010