Our team has been ombord M/S Prime Kuummiut to day to make an Inspection and Condition Survey.
Wednesday, 01 September 2010
Our Shipbrokers team has been on Nor-Fishing in Trondheim, Norge
Friday, 20 August 2010
The fishing vessel M/S Beinur from Hirtshals has rented painters for Faroe Maritime Services. The vessel has now been painted in all the Accommodation and also the Engine Room. The paint job has been done while the vessel has been fishing. So the owners have not lost any fishing time.
Sunday, 15 August 2010
SHIPPING SERVICE: Nordic Offshore Faroe Islands has opened a office in Torshavn. It offers full Ship Management and several other services to ships sailing under Faroese flag. The owners behind Nordic Offshore Faroe Islands are Samtrade Ltd, Pauli Joensen and Nordic Offshore. “With the office in the Faroes we get a perfect and logical starting […]
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Our team has carried out a Condition Survey to day. The owner wanted assistant from Faroe Maritime Services to carry our an condition survey and to get our estimation of price to rebuild this vessel to Guard and Service vessel GSV.
Sunday, 25 July 2010
M/V Crystal Ice arrived in Klaksvík on the 22.07.10 for loading Atlantic Herring.
Thursday, 22 July 2010
PRESS RELEASE The establishment of The Faroese Maritime Unions A new association between the Faroese Officers’ and Seamens’ Unions was founded on the 2nd of July 2010. The establishing parties are The Faroese Shipmasters and Navigators Association representing master mariners, The Faroese Engineers’ Union representing marine engineers and The Faroese Fishermens’ Union, Seamens’ Dept. representing […]
Friday, 02 July 2010
Faroe Maritime Services makes regularly Pre-Purchase Inspection & Condition Survey To day our team visited ombord M/S Kappen to make Condition Survey. If you are in need any assistance the we are ready to assist!
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
FMS has provided Marine Engineers on board a Pelagic vessels fishing in Denmark.
Wednesday, 02 June 2010
7.000 nye arbejdspladser over ti år. Det er målet for udvikling af energi-virksomheder i Esbjerg. Offshore Center Danmark står bag planen om at udvikle energiprojekter, hovedsagelig på havet. Centret har et samlet budget på 36 millioner kroner, hvoraf de 27 millioner kommer fra Syddansk Vækstfond. 40 virksomheder, myndigheder og uddannelsesinstitutioner deltager i projektet Energi på […]
Thursday, 04 March 2010